The Dickson Kids

The Dickson Kids

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Colorado Day 6 & 7

Sunday night was bad with Dakota up off and on all night saying her stomach hurt.  Finally in the morning she threw up.  Alex & Eric went golfing and we were suppose to go see Gods Garden.  What should I do with sick kid.  Emily said she would stay and watch her and the adventure was still on.  Hunter did mention it was silly to call this God's Garden when the whole earth is his garden right.  Smart 7 year old. Here are the slide show of our trip.

After we walked all over the garden we went to lunch at the closest place (Sonic) to feed the crew.  Dakota did relly good while we were gone and then got sick again but then felt better.  We had another wonderful  dinner and then Polly wanted pictures of her Family when a photographer was avalable so everyone got ready starting with Brittlynn:

Savannah says I'm ready too.

The Lescaurbeau Family picture including Angel... and know the moment you have all been waiting for.  Yes that is right it is the water balloon fight.  Alex & Hunter spent a lot of the afternoon filing water balloons up.  And what do you do with water ballons but have a fight... 

I missed the whole long thing (it took 5 Minutes)

But Grandmere was able to catch a couple pictures

Looks like everyone got wet (but me)

And they had a really good time!!

Then we had stories from Aunt Polly

And we put everyone to bed..................... Exxcept me and Grandmere who went off to the store to get grocries so we would not have to stop at a fast food place.  We then packed all the bags up and loaded our SUV.
Tues. Sept 7th we got up extra early again and finished loading the car with bags and kids and headed out. We got a little lost looking for the freeway but made it there. Everyone was ready to go home but no one wanted to drive. We dropped Grandmere & Kohyn off in Beaver (Her car was still there) and made it home at 7ish that night. We came home to more laundry, school tomorrow, homework tomorrow and a very lonley husband. What a week!


Rebecca Lynn

You did a great job taking family pics. <3 you!

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