The Dickson Kids

The Dickson Kids

Monday, September 1, 2014


Maleficent, Full-Length Trailer #3

We went to see Maleficent today.  It is finally at the dollar theater were I can take my whole family.  We got there during the previews and it was really dark.  They put new seats in it and only 5 people can be in a row.  Jericho and Dad ended up in the row in front of us.  We settled in to watch and Jericho looked next to him and climbed partway into my lap and started eating my popcorn.  Then you hear Dad kind of loud.  That is not your mom.  He looks closer and jumps back with a hand full of popcorn.  Dad says eat what you have and tell her sorry.  She said that is fine no problem. 
Libby got a little scared but liked it.  Dakota found it intriguing.  Hunter was board.  Dad predicted it.  Jericho liked it.  I loved it(I had already seen it).  It was a great adventure for a day off. 
On the way to the car Dakota starts getting into someone elses red van.  We ask her if she is trying to get a new family.  There were people in the car and they were laughing.
It was a fun time. We saw the preview for Guardians of the Galaxy ( Steve and I saw it for our anniversary weekend)  The kids want to see it so I will watch the dollar theater for when it arrives.


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